Panchavalkal is the combination of five herbs having properties like Shodhana (cleaning) and Ropana (healing) of wounds. Individual drugs and in combination have Kashaya rasa (astringent) dominant and useful in the management of Vrana (wounds) as well as Shotha (inflammations).
Pharmacological action of Panchavalkala proves that all the five drugs of Panchavalkala are found to have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial, and wound healing properties. It is mainly used for external wound washing in the form of kashaya liquid and also as a liquid medium for sitz bath, fomentation etc.
Indications / Important therapeutic Uses:
Sheetala, Grahi, cures Vrana, Shotha and Visarpa or as directed by the physician.
Dosage / Methods of Use:
48gms for Kashaya Preparation or as directed by Physician
Contra Indications:
Store in a cool and dry place away from dampness and hot sun light
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